Issue #7


  • FEATURE STORY: 20th Century Fonts–GSM takes a look at 11 definitive fonts from the past eleven decades. What do you think made the list?
  • FEATURE STORY: Wild at heart–GSM talks to Adelaide based designer and writer Emma Kate about her company Wild Hearts.
  • CASE STUDY: We interview kiwi designer Kris Sowersby – about designing fonts and receiving the prestigious John Britten Black Pin at the 2015 BEST Awards.
  • FEATURE STORY: We catch up with Australian designer Dr Dominique Falla to find out more about Typism–the conference event held specifically about type.
  • INPRINT: Showcasing great print design projects as submitted by readers.
  • WORKSHOP: Emma Norton, Adobe Certified Instructor, takes us through Font Book.
  • FEATURE STORY: Drawing on the Past-Present–GSM showcases the hand-drawn type of Christchurch designer Sammy Nicholls.
  • PAPER EDUCATION: We take a look at the anatomy of typography.
  • BIG IDEA: Range Rover built a bridge made entirely of paper–and parked an SUV on top– GSM takes a look.
  • KIWI FOCUS: 2015 BEST Awards–who won what? GSM takes a look at the Purple and Gold winners.
  • AUSSIE FOCUS: Just my Type–GSM talks to Wayne Thompson, Type Foundry, about fonts, fonts and… fonts.

>> 60 pages, full colour. Silk Gloss 300gsm, Sumo Gloss 113gsm, Sumo Laser 120gsm


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