The Open Up to Mail campaign explores all things mail and beyond. GSM talks with Kellie Northwood, Chief Executive Officer of The Real Media Collective, about how this campaign looks for ways to achieve a creative vision with Direct Mail.
GSM: Mail is often seen to be ‘old school’. Why does Direct mail still work?
Kellie: The power of the letterbox is creative, wide-reaching and engaging. The physical attributes of mail continue to achieve incredible cut-through and deliver great results.
Did you know over 92% of recipients open direct mail?! And it remains in the home for some 38 days – an opportunity for it to be viewed over and over again. Direct mail is a very effective way of reaching new customers. From unique folds to eye catching print embellishments and even scented inks, DM is a versatile method of communication in a digital society.
GSM: What is the ‘Open Up to Mail’ campaign?
Kellie: OPEN UP TO MAIL is a campaign promoting the creativity, success and effectiveness of direct mail. It is an awareness campaign calling all designers, agencies, marketers and interested people to be re-inspired by the power of direct mail. We wanted to highlight the sensory attributes of mail. It’s ability to connect through the five senses: touch, sight, smell, taste and sound.
GSM: Can you talk us through the DM you have recently launched?
Kellie: OPEN UP TO MAIL is a series of DMs which explore the role of the senses Direct Mail can play. The first one explores Sight. In New Zealand we teamed up with Fuzed who used luxury print embellishments to demonstrate the latest in digital and offset print technologies. Printing on BJ Ball Silk Gloss 400gsm we’ve added embellishments that attract the eye – 3D Digital overgloss and high-end laminate. We’ve also included a fun magic eye exercise.
GSM: So how does the DM piece work in conjunction with your website?
Kellie: The OPEN UP TO MAIL campaign demonstrates the power of mail by providing case studies, statistics, downloadable charts, invitations to events, as well as sending regular direct mail to creative agencies across Australia.
GSM: In this digital age why has mail remained a vital communication tool?
Kellie: The role of the mailbox has changed. It is definitely less saturated than before and consumers now associate it in a much more positive light. The mail box has become part of the growing online retail business. These days, consumers look to their letterbox for their new shoes or bags. It is no longer the source of bills for payment.
Human touch is a powerful form of non-verbal communication. It also triggers memory neuroscience stimulants. The tactile and memorable pieces of mail make an impression on the consumer. Other marketing channels struggle to replicate these.
GSM: How can we creatively use sight and visual language to inspire conversation.
Kellie: It’s touchy, it’s feely and it delivers results. We can create bespoke and highly customised DMs or personalise them with meaning. Direct mail is one of the hardest working channels around and is on the increase as brands explore it’s strengths. Delivering Direct Mail via a strong channel, with intelligent data insights and engaging creative provides results, ROI and consumer engagement. DIRECT MAIL IS THE HARDEST WORKING CHANNEL