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Design Culture – He Korowai Oranga

Combining a sense of strength and leadership with humility and compassion whilst honouring culture. GSM takes a look at one project that gets it right.

—with Ira (Auckland), and Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health (NZ)

He Korowai Oranga is the New Zealand Government strategy for providing healthcare to Māori. Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health co-developed the strategy in consultation with Iwi nationwide. Their objective was to provide a high-level framework for guiding Government in achieving the best health outcomes for Māori. To do this, they engaged Auckland strategic consulting and creative studio, Ira, to develop a new brand for He Korowai Oranga. Ira then went on to extend this into two printed reporting documents contained in an accompanying presentation folder.

The Name – He Korowai Oranga

The name, He Korowai Oranga (the Cloak of Wellbeing), draws on the Korowai—a traditional woven cloak made from flax fibre (muka) and decorated with tassels (hukahuka). The garment symbolises leadership—notably, the responsibility to protect and care for both people and the environment, and is a form of respect honouring the wearer.

The Image – Woman wearing the Korowai

he korowai oranga Joe Hockley took the image of a woman wearing the Korowai as she stands atop her ancestral mountain, Takaparawhau (Bastion Point, Auckland). In her, we see the vitality, security and resilience anticipated within He Korowai Oranga. Her view of the horizon evokes the core strategic objective of He Korowai Oranga. That is, to achieve new horizons of health for Māori. Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei gifted this image to He Korowai Oranga.

The team at Ira used the Korowai, both visually and metaphorically, as the starting point for the new brand.

The Graphic Element – Hukahuka

he korowai orangaThe logotype expression was designed around a stylised representation of the hukahuka tassels from the cloak. Ira used this graphic element extensively throughout the project run-out to reflect the sense of protection and wellbeing.


he korowai orangaThe folder was produced by Bluestar (Auckland) on Advance Laser 350gsm. Advance Laser is a beautiful high white, uncoated paper manufactured using environmentally sustainable fibre. The fibre is sourced from purpose-grown trees planted alongside rice paddies in Thailand. This provides the mill with a source of sustainable material. Plus, it generates a secondary income for the rice farmers. All of which ties nicely to the Korowai—as a symbol of looking after both people and the environment.

Bluestar used a spot gloss Hi-build UV varnish plus emboss to create the pattern on the outside of the folder.

The hukahuka shape repeats in the curved contour of the two flaps. These wrap the contained documents—like the wearing of the Korowai.

String, made from native kiekie, secure the flaps together. Master weaver Rose Greaves, from Ngāti Kahu and Ngā Puhi, harvested, dyed and wove the kiekie into a four plait using traditional methods

he korowai orangaOn the inside left flap is a whakatauākī (Māori proverb) spoken in 1840 by Aperahama Taonui (b. 1810s, d.1882):

’E ngā rangatira, whakarongo mai!
Kaua e ūwhia Te Tiriti i te kahu o
Ingarangi, engari kia mau anō ki tōu
ake kahu, te kahukiwi o Aotearoa nei!’

The whakatauākī encourages Māori to remember their mana. To wear their cultural identity and values like a cloak, as a symbol of self-determination.

STRATEGY REPORTS – He Korowai Oranga

he korowai orangaIra designed two report documents, Whatua and Whakamaua. Whatua refers to weaving together the many voices and mātauranga, knowledge, that formed He Korowai Oranga. Whakamaua refers to putting on the Korowai—metaphoric for embracing the principles within the strategy.

Both documents extensively use the hukahuka graphic. On the covers, this appears as a pattern into which the addition of colour creates pathways symbolising navigating towards the future. And on the internal pages, Ira use the hukahuka as part of the visual storytelling.

He Korowai Oranga won a Silver Pin in the Small Brand Identity category at the 2021 Best Awards

Advance Laser is available exclusively from BJ Ball in New Zealand (//


This article was originally published in GSM18. To read this, and other great articles, purchase this issue here.