Studio Sly – Colorplan Packaging

Melbourne based homewares & living retailer, Design Stuff, required a new solution for their gift cards. The resulting packaging design features a perforated envelope and triplex gift card both with deboss details on Colorplan Pale Grey. The resulting design creates a sense of movement using type, along with a stylish, spacious feel.
CREATIVE: Studio Sly
PRINT: Pinky Print
CLIENT: Design Stuff
PROJECT: Design Stuff Gift Card & Box
STOCK: + Ball & Doggett Colorplan Pale Grey 270gsm: Gift Box
+ Ball & Doggett Colorplan Pale Grey 270gsm (triplexed): Gift Card
PRINT SPEC: Two Pantone PMS + Deboss + Die Cut: Gift Box
One Pantone PMS + Pro. Black + Blind Deboss: Gift card