Caxton Press/Abel Tasman Magazine – Using print to promote.

After investing heavily over the past several years in digital marketing, the client decided to invest in printing a hardcopy magazine. The Abel Tasman magazine promotes both the Abel Tasman National Park and Nelson-Tasman region.
The aim of the magazine was to provide an editorial based, content-rich publication to inspire locals and visitors to explore more of the local area. Local photographers, including Brodie Knox and Lightstyle Photography, were commissioned to ‘capture the very essence of the Abel Tasman’. Award-winning local graphic artist ,Mat Tait, designed the magazine. Caxton Press provided expertise on print & production options. The final magazine exceeded all expectations in terms of design and quality, with the first print run disappearing quickly. The project was so successful, a second issue is in the pipeline, with double the initial print run this time around!
CREATIVE: Mat Tait/Caxton
PRINT: Caxton
CLIENT: Abel Tasman Solutions—Brendan Alborn
PROJECT: Abel Tasman Magazine
STOCK: + BJ Ball Advance Laser 300gsm: Cover
+ BJ Ball Advance Laser 150gsm: Internals
PRINT SPEC: + Offset CMYK throughout / PUR binding