Make your Mum proud by showcasing your talent in our Inprint section. This is your opportunity to be seen in 4,000+ copies of GSM across NZ and Australia. In every issue we publish a selection of design in print projects, sent to us – by people like you. So, if you want to give your mum something to talk about at her next dinner party – submit your work below.
Please – ONLY send us good quality, high resolution ‘in-situ’ JPEG images of your work (300ppi / 2-4mb each) – DO NOT send us suggested layouts. If you are not sure what we mean by ‘in-situ’ images – see the example images in the spreads above. Just note, as putting together a publication such as GSM is no easy feat – we do exercise the right to edit all supplied material as we see fit (so please forgive us if we cut some of your copy or crop your images slightly differently).