Issue #2


  • FEATURE STORY: Think green–exploring paper and the environment.
  • FEATURE STORY: GSM explores sustainability in the digital and print world.
  • INPRINT: Showcasing great print design projects as submitted by readers.
  • FEATURE STORY: Aucklander Amanda Judd started Lovenotes Refresh as a service to take waste paper and turn it into products–GSM takes a look.
  • PAPER EDUCATION: Q&As about print & paper.
  • FEATURE STORY: Rebirthing recycled papers–GSM explores how paper is a recycling superstar.
  • FEATURE STORY: Print greens–how the print industry is becoming greener.
  • FEATURE STORY: Creating a greener footprint at work–steps you can take to make your studio environment–greener.

>> 40 pages, full colour. Novatech Gloss 350gsm, Sumo Matt 170gsm, ECO100 135gsm


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